For Your Health


I’m so excited to be sharing my healing journey with you and to hopefully shed light on chronic illness, especially autoimmune diseases. If you are someone suffering from autoimmune disease you know how upsetting it is to get that diagnoses. The doctor tells you, ” You have an autoimmune disease. Your body is attacking itself.” I don’t know about you, but that was a terrible thing to hear. My body? Attacking itself? Why? Your told it could be genetics, no one really knows why this happens.

Autoimmune diseases have increased in recent years at an alarming rate and the number of these types of illnesses have also increased. Not only are more people getting autoimmune diseases, but many are being diagnosed with multiple diseases.

After believing my body was the culprit for too many years I started to look for the real cause of these so called “autoimmune diseases.” What I uncovered might shock you, or you might be like me and say, “I KNEW IT!”
The first thing I want all of you to know is that I believe our bodies are NOT attacking ourselves! My body and your body loves us and work so hard to keep us healthy everyday.
What I discovered is that the real culprit behind autoimmune is a combination of a pathogen (most likely the Epstein Barr virus) and toxins in the body. Once I knew, what I now believe to be the truth, everything changed for me.

As I said in my About Page, I have been diagnosed with 3 autoimmune diseases over many years. In that time I tried many different diet protocols to try to heal me.  The reason I have come to believe that autoimmune is caused by a pathogen and toxins is because when I focused on healing from those invaders, I got better.  It’s as simple as that.  My skin has improved dramatically, my medicine has been lowered and the way I feel is all the proof I need.  

I had read that there may be a link with the Epstein Barr virus and autoimmune. Yet, the medical world has yet to research and realize that it (EBV or another virus or toxin) is the actual cause of many autoimmune diseases.

Many functional doctors are understanding the importance of diet and toxins in helping those with autoimmune. So change is definitely taken place as people are searching for natural cures. Many people have been able to reduce their symptoms, but aren’t able to bring about long term healing. I was one of those people, I did feel a little better on those diets. Yet, it wasn’t until I found Anthony Williams that I realized what was missing. Anthony is a medical medium and his books about these truths have made all the difference in my healing. 

Many of you might think a lot of people get the Epstein Barr virus, but don’t get an autoimmune disease.  Your right, for some their body was able to fight the virus and keep it at bay. Yet, for many people the virus doesn’t go completely away, instead it goes and settles into an organ, like your thyroid or maybe it goes into your joints, or your nervous system causing all kinds of illnesses.

Once the virus settles somewhere in your body, your body goes on the attack to kill the virus. When your body is going after any pathogen, it naturally causes inflammation in the body. Now another thing to realize is that there are many strains of the Epstein Barr virus. It can also be passed down from generation to generation, getting stronger as it goes along. This is why your doctors think it is your genes. There are also other viruses, like strep that are also out there causing people to get sick.

It sounds a little scary, these viruses going after us like this, but this is all good news! Because now, just like me, you can fight to kill this virus, detox and restore your body. If this is the first time you are hearing about pathogens and toxins actually causing your illness, rejoice because knowledge is everything!! I started this blog so I can give you the resources and information you need to fight and win this battle. Use this website, get healthy, so you too can help others!

I recommend you read Anthony William’s books, you can find them in my resource tab. Click here.

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